Sunday, April 15, 2007

Good fellowship

Good fellowship...This year RECORW was held by Dallas church. This was really a good chance for RE teachers to refill ourselves with strength from God. Though neither a RE coordinator nor a secretary am I, still I learn a lot of things from this workshop and heard great testimony of African missionary troop( Newest Feb. troop )from pastor Vuthy.More wonderful thing was we have great fellowship with bros and sis from all north America chruches, I met several old friends from NYTS or church seminars.It's pity that I have midterm this week and can't take part in all courses.Hopefully, I can better arrange my time, then next time I won't miss such kind of good oppourtunity.Also pity that I had no time to say goodbye to those friends, especially Sanyu and kati, miss a great chace to show you guys DallasI really want to take part in NYTS this year, but It seems impossible for meI have to take courses during summer or I may have to spend one more semester to finish my master degree.It's really so much stuff to do and to learn in US, should I continue my Phd degree here or try to find a job here?Hope God guide a best way for me.

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